
Magic window
Magic window

magic window

Some players show 66'04", some (like mine) show 66'06". Since it's been contested, decided to settle the question once and for all, in detail.

  • As for that question of the total play-length of the album.
  • It also brings the play time of the album up to 66'06" (maybe - see next). You might like to take a look at the entry for the topic "magic window" in this glossary, or search for some combination of "magic window" and the name (Thomas E.) "Bearden".
  • While "Magic Window" is a completely empty track, that is not to say that the title does not have some hidden significance.
  • also pointed out that it is a frequency used in the UK for (licensed) private mobile radion services, as listed here. This is a frequency used by the military or coastguard. Where the speed (33rpm or 45rmp) would usually appear, instead we have the cryptic "162.225 MHz". It's a bit similar to the plaque on the Pioneer space probe, an image that appeared briefly on an older version of the BoC website. There is no groove on that side, just a basic outline picture of a family: parents and two children. The 3xLP vinyl version of Geogaddi devotes the final side of vinyl to this track. And the vinyl version of the track ought to be a giveaway. It's easy enough for anyone who disagrees to check by ripping to WAV.

    magic window

  • Yes, despite persistent rumours to the contrary, it really is absolutely empty.

  • Magic window